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Evening party

Obstacle Race

  1. Program
  2. Inflatable Obstacle Course
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Obstacle Race or OCR (Obstacle Course Race) - a race at a distance of 5-10 km with 10-30 obstacles, in the style of "Spartan Race", "Warrior Dash" and "Tough Mudder". For team building we offer a team OCR-racing: each team consisting of 6-30 people moves together in a distance and together overcomes all obstacles.

Teambuilding Obstacle Race

The complexity of the OCR-trail obstacles can vary, from simple single crossfit obstacles, to really severe challenges with mud, water, overcoming inclined walls, hanging nets and other things. Usually, teams are allowed to bypass obstacles, with a penalty point, or when performing alternative exercises. Time of the route usually is not limited.

Teambuilding Obstacle Race

Thematic OCR races are possible:

The goal of OCR team building is to become a strong team and experience new emotions.

Inflatable Obstacle Course

The inflatable obstacle course is great for team building and competitions. The inflatable course is bright aesthetics, safety and variable difficulty. Suitable for paired competitions and timed races.

Teambuilding Obstacle Race

Obstacle Race Photo

  • Teambuilding Obstacle Race
  • Teambuilding Obstacle Race

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